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NAS HuB Studio Spaces
Do you want to apply to host a class, event, or workshop at the Neighborhood Art School Hub?
This is the place. Just follow the steps below. ​​​
Check out the NAS Hub spaces
The Neighborhood Art School Hub has three spaces for community use:
Upstairs Studio (multi-purpose room)
Here's some general info about the Hub.
See calendars below for availability
At the bottom of this page are the calendars for each space. Make sure the date you want to host an event is available.

Fill out the application
Here is the application to host a class/event at the Neighborhood Art School. Once you submit the online form, you'll hear back from us in 7-10 days.
If your class is confirmed, we'll send you a space rental contract and we'll clarify next steps via email.

Ground Floor Calendar
Upstairs Studio CalendaR
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